Testing a drop shaft to release a container above the openingInvestigating a collider issue on the TL-01 craft. The ship is stuck on the building after a hard contact.
Trying various visual effects on UFO cinematicRogue Mode new cockpit monitor testing
Checking an issue with colliders of the CF-2 craft
Bound box adjustments for cargo pickup on that lifter craft
New transport spacecraft and and docking by the top with stationsDockport concept and tests with nose hatchOrbital station with vessels attached. Altitude 159 km.Dock bay with a E101 vessel
Orbit launch test data results for altitude 748 km. This to find a correct Launch force to get a circular orbit path for orbital stations.docking contact / capture tests trying different shapes of vessel-side hatchlooking the undocking event from external camera, to verify ship docked position is correctAdjusting the atmosphere scattering shader and fog color to choose sky colors
Testing terrain geometry noise and material on the night sideinvestigating bugs in the docking guiding system on final approach
First landing on stable terrain mesh ground on a planet full-scale radius 6300 kmTerrain mesh tiles Level-Of-Detail snapshot to test and adjust LOD distances
2015 / 2016
Testing terrain noise and atmosphere scattering shader, traveling using a kinematic craft ( no physic, no air friction )Atmosphere mesh testing on a 6300 km radius full scale planetOrbital flight at 158 km altitude with gravitation physic and real-time orbital data in cockpit